Wednesday, June 1, 2011

stephen harper son

stephen harper son. Stephen Harper, à son arrivée
  • Stephen Harper, à son arrivée

  • mduser63
    Sep 16, 09:32 AM
    Personally I find that I can type much faster and more comfortably on a shallow keyboard like a PowerBook keyboard than on a deep keyboard (like an old original IBM keyboard). I have one of the classic IBM style keyboards hooked up to my PC, and I don't like it much. If I were going to buy a new keyboard, I'd go for something like the Icekey.

    stephen harper son. Prime Minister Stephen Harper,
  • Prime Minister Stephen Harper,

  • Favenris
    Sep 7, 02:55 AM
    I like the desktop threads in the picture gallery because it's interesting to see how other people have Mac configured, and now I'm curious about their iTunes libraries.

    I'm a huge iTunes freak. Every single note in my metadata needs to be organized and filled out. My album artwork has been individually inserted, along with any additional "radio single" artwork for the additional songs. And consider that I have 6,703 songs, you pretty much have an idea of what I do on my time off. :)

    Composers for me was pretty much a useless label because almost each song had an individual array, so I simplified it to the following list: Albums, Compilations, Music Videos, and Other. Other is anything that isn't an official album, like a CD single or something. It looks very pretty checking out the "albums" section and only seeing official releases instead of bootlegs, live albums, EP's, etc.

    Genres is something else I have simplified, and I hope I get to see somebody's input on this because I really hope to change it. My list is as follows: Books & Spoken, Electronic, Experimental, Hip Hop/Rap, Pop, Rock. That's it. Has anybody else found themselves in a conflict where you don't know where an artist goes? Alternative can be such a confusing label because you don't know whether to put it under Alternative, Folk, Punk, or Rock. So I just simplified it and placed artists under those general genres. However, I don't like it, and I'm going to make a more diverse set of genres.

    Also, do you use Groupings? How do you personally organize them?

    So... share your stuff! I'm interested in seeing what people have their library configured like.

    stephen harper son. lieutenant Stephen Harper
  • lieutenant Stephen Harper

  • collisos
    May 1, 05:07 PM
    There has not been any concrete information because nothing official has been released. The only piece of official evidence is WWDC invites. There are however plenty of rumours swirling around.

    This thread has you covered, all thats needed was a simple search.

    okay thanks appreciate it, typed in iOS 5 in the search but maybe I just missed it

    stephen harper son. Minister Stephen Harper to
  • Minister Stephen Harper to

  • Mr. Anderson
    Sep 10, 09:27 PM
    Spamming can also be posting the exact same thing multiple times. Its been done on occassion. Farscape was the latest. Although not the worst by far.


    stephen harper son. Rick Mercer Canadian Coalition catalyst. Rick Mercer Canadian Coalition catalyst. 1:48. Stephen Harper exposed by Rick Mercer.
  • Rick Mercer Canadian Coalition catalyst. Rick Mercer Canadian Coalition catalyst. 1:48. Stephen Harper exposed by Rick Mercer.

  • babybanana
    Apr 27, 06:51 AM

    I am thinking of buying a used Nikon D90 soon for �400. However that's just body only. I have the memory card ready and I just need to purchase the lens, and the bags for it separately just to get me going for now.

    Right, I suppose a few questions I want to ask you guys is

    a) What lens shall I be looking at? Or shall I buy the D90 new with 18-105mm for �670 which maybe cheaper? =/

    b) Will this be okay for long term investment ? The current camera I'm using now is Pentax S7 which I had for about 5 years now roughly and I doubt I'll buy a new SLR body in the future and just invest in the lens to be honest, Unless you guys can recommend me a camera?

    I tend to do lanscape or macro photography mainly rather than anything else. I don't mind about loud shutter noise or video function. I think I've only taken 3 videos since getting that camera. My budget is was �500 but my parents says that if it costs extra for the camera I want and that I won't get bored of it after a while then they'll put some money towards it. I think I'm looking towards �700 max really.

    Thanks in advance.

    stephen harper son. Stephen Harper speaks to
  • Stephen Harper speaks to

  • eric55lv
    Jan 12, 07:31 PM
    I think the name is stupid. But then again I hated the name Macbook when I heard it and thought Apple would never use that name so what do I know? :o

    Its only because it so light


    stephen harper son. Stephen Harper
  • Stephen Harper

  • GeekOFComedy
    Apr 11, 10:35 AM


    (Mac OS X: What is Safe Boot, Safe Mode?)

    "Mac OS X v10.5.6 or later: A Safe Boot deletes the dynamic loader shared cache at (/var/db/dyld/). A cache with issues may cause a blue screen on startup, particularly after a Software Update. Restarting normally recreates this cache."


    (Mac OS X: Starting up in Safe Mode)

    "To start up into Safe Mode (to Safe Boot), do this:
    1. Be sure your Mac is shut down.
    2. Press the power button.
    3. Immediately after you hear the startup tone, hold the Shift key. The Shift key should be held as soon as possible after the startup tone, but not before the tone.
    4. Release the Shift key when you see the gray Apple icon and the progress indicator (looks like a spinning gear)."




    Tried safe boot, didn't even boot in safe boot

    stephen harper son. Minister Stephen Harper,
  • Minister Stephen Harper,

  • Cromulent
    Dec 22, 09:54 PM
    I have 3 Spotify invites available. First 3 interested people who post here will get them.

    You need to be resident in one these countries to use it though:

    Sweden, Norway, Finland, the UK, France and Spain.

    E-mail address required.

    Edit: Ooo, 5,000 posts :).


    stephen harper son. Stephen Harper,
  • Stephen Harper,

  • KillersKiss
    Jan 25, 10:01 AM
    How can I convert mp4 files to mp3?

    stephen harper son. book, by Stephen Harper
  • book, by Stephen Harper

  • firestarter
    Mar 10, 02:30 PM
    I was part way through switching to Nikon (I'd bought a D300). I decided I wanted to get a camera more suited to landscape/studio so I figured I was safer switching back to Canon and the 5DII.

    Over 18 months later, and I'm glad I did. I never thought it would take Nikon this long to release an affordable 5DII competitor.


    stephen harper son. Prime Minister Stephen Harper,
  • Prime Minister Stephen Harper,

  • covertsurfer
    Apr 8, 08:24 AM
    I dont mean re-design the whole thing, just take the the one I provided and give it some anti-aliasing just so it looks a bit sharper/glossier for a web-site


    stephen harper son. Below: Stephen Harper, the
  • Below: Stephen Harper, the

  • ninebythree
    Dec 23, 09:49 PM
    It says this:

    Dec 23 22:47:23 computer-ibook-g4 mDNSResponder: -1: DNSServiceRegister("Music", "_daap._tcp.", "local.", 3689) failed: Client id -1 invalid (-65549)
    Dec 23 22:47:23 computer-ibook-g4 mDNSResponder: -1: DNSServiceRegister("iTunes_Ctrl_A699D57E2DD882A0", "_dacp._tcp.", "local.", 3689) failed: Client id -1 invalid (-65549)

    directly after putting it to sleep, and when the keyboard doesn't work, but once it starts working, nothing on the log changes.


    stephen harper son. Stephen harper reçoit des
  • Stephen harper reçoit des

  • xraydoc
    May 5, 08:15 AM
    Airplay, yes.
    Home sharing streaming to the phone from iTunes, no. That needs 4.3.x.
    Come on Apple, get a move on!! :mad:

    stephen harper son. Minister Stephen Harper
  • Minister Stephen Harper

  • tdhurst
    Dec 5, 03:24 PM
    You have two solutions...max out the ram or buy a new computer. That's it.


    stephen harper son. front of PM Stephen Harper
  • front of PM Stephen Harper

  • KameronBriggs
    Sep 30, 09:26 PM
    lol dude. so today at school, i was walking...and I saw some person, with an iPod touch 4 in an iPhone 4 case, with it UP to his ear and pretending to have a phone conversation. I thought I was seeing things, so I did a double take...hahahah, was real.

    stephen harper son. haunted Stephen Harper for
  • haunted Stephen Harper for

  • mrkramer
    Jan 15, 08:23 AM
    Even if you know you want a previous gen, you don't want to buy right before a keynote because prices will usually drop if a new rev comes out.


    stephen harper son. Stephen Harper, a morally
  • Stephen Harper, a morally

  • heyroth
    Jun 21, 01:00 PM
    Did anyone camp out in emeryville last year, and how was it?

    stephen harper son. Stephen Harper#39;s stare -amp;- Max
  • Stephen Harper#39;s stare -amp;- Max

  • alvindarkness
    Apr 8, 11:20 AM
    I've heard from AppleInsider that TRIM is long due to the macs and that Apple will enable TRIM support in Lion update...

    After I've installed an Intel x25-m G2 SSD onto my 2010 MBP 13", the benchmarks were low compared to that on Windows platform. I also noticed the Apple's own stock SSD (mostly Toshiba or Samsung) have aggressive GC, but their read/write speeds are off compared to many decent SSD's on the market, like sandforce powered OCZ Vertex 3, or intel G3.

    Funny thing is that Apple's own solid state drives has their own GC, and enables TRIM on-the-fly, as reported by Anandtech, but I wasn't very sure.

    Has anyone have any ideas if and when TRIM will be implemented on macs, since it is really needed for people with SSD's in their macs?

    TRIM is already implemented on Lion. You can even enable it on 10.6.7 if you use the IOAHCIFamily.kext from a 2011 MBP.

    The trick is that both Lion and 10.6.7 (using the MBP 2011 kext above) look for an SSD with the model name "APPLE SSD". What you need to do is hex edit IOAHCIBlockStorage.kext/Contents/MacOS/IOAHCIBlockStorage and replace the two instances of "APPLE SSD" with the first 9 character of your SSD drive as it appears in system profiler. (In my case "OCZ-VERTE").

    Theres a lot more information here ->

    And heres confirmation that it does indeed work (this is a snow leopard pic, Ive also done this in Lion).


    The real question is, wether this is a stop-gap measure, or if Apple intend to continue this trend into the future and only support trim on native apple ssd's. Would be nice to not have to load a hex editor after every delta/combo update.

    stephen harper son. Stephen Harper .
  • Stephen Harper .

  • iMattcotv
    Mar 8, 10:16 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)


    Apr 15, 07:58 AM
    is TPE that rubber found around bumper cases?

    it's probably similar. I know it's similar to TPU but i don't really know the difference between them two.

    Apr 13, 11:30 PM
    love the slider's look, feel, and protection but hate the weight it adds and that its not the easiest of cases to slide in and out of my pocket.
    Anyone know any cases similar with a tight fit on the phone and protective enough like the slider but a little lighter?

    Apr 13, 09:09 AM
    Apple's update pattern on displays has been more or less infrequent lately. Just buy now, there is absolutely no idea about the next gen ACD.

    Mar 25, 06:47 PM
    though my production is down as of late, i'm still the #6 folder on team 3446.

    I've only been doing it since last month but the SMP simulations load you up with 1700+ pts per WU. I've just added my PS3 this week. By the end of next week I should be well within the top 200 on Team Macrumors.

    I can only imagine what kind of damage could be done with a Mac Pro. Until they get around to updating them and I order mine, of course, and then I won't have to imagine anymore. :)

    Apr 30, 03:38 PM
    What geographical location are you in?

    I'm in Wisconsin at the moment. I didn't notice it when I was back in New York a couple of weeks ago.

    open the Activity window

    I'll do that next time I notice the problem.

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