Wednesday, June 1, 2011

ian bell kuvia

ian bell kuvia. Zatch Bell And Kiyo
  • Zatch Bell And Kiyo

  • No ice please
    Oct 31, 12:18 PM
    What I have on my laptop now. I'll get a picture of my DVD and VHS collection later.

    ian bell kuvia. Kuva Gerald Herbert / AP
  • Kuva Gerald Herbert / AP

  • liketom
    Dec 9, 12:25 PM
    but steve has not got control over my remote control ....yet ;)

    ian bell kuvia. Trumphicon
  • Trumphicon

  • motulist
    May 3, 10:26 AM
    The front page was down for a couple of minutes today. It wouldn't load at all for a minute or two.

    ian bell kuvia. Helen and Ian are staying at
  • Helen and Ian are staying at

  • tjcampbell
    Apr 4, 04:42 AM
    I had a train ride from London to Aberystwyth (long!!!!) and I played "Syphon Filter" the entire way. It's an awesome game and likely my favorite so far on the PSP. I've also had a blast with Lumines, but it can be a bit stressful! Someone on here mentioned the DS. In ALL honesty. The DS Lite is a better machine than the PSP. You should fold her up and dip it in your pocket. Unlike the PSP which you always have to be careful with and wait for it to load. The only reason I still use the PSP is because of the video feature. I have PSPware and often put family guy episodes and such on it. But in the games department I find myself playing my girlfriend's DS Lite more than anything. I played Mario on the plane the other day for 4 hours. Either way, you'll have fun.
    PSP - Syphon Filter
    DS - New Super Mario Bros


    ian bell kuvia. Daniel Bell of New Zealand
  • Daniel Bell of New Zealand

  • DreaminDirector
    Jul 6, 04:27 PM
    Strange! I had the same problem about 2 days ago. I finally used google to search for answers. Ended up that I didnt need to call adelphia, all I had to do was unplug both the airport extreme and the cable modem. Then wait like 30 seconds, plug the two together via ethernet cord, then plug in the modem, wait for it to reset then plug in the Airport....

    All that headache for something so damn simple.....

    ian bell kuvia. though Ian was quick to
  • though Ian was quick to

  • john_satc
    Mar 7, 11:37 AM
    Simple question but i am stuck ... how do you password protect a folder? i was able to with MS but duno how now.


    ian bell kuvia. Helen and Ian on Boxing Day
  • Helen and Ian on Boxing Day

  • wlh99
    Apr 18, 12:45 AM
    For me, the ideal would be to have both. I often reference documentation while coding, and having a searchable version on a second monitor is unmatched for efficiency. I couldn't imagine programming in Cocoa without it. But if I am reading a tutorial and following along, I have a very hard time doing that without a physical book.

    I have only a couple books (not programming books) that I have bought for the iPad, and find them absolutely impossible to read as well, so it might just be me. For me a physical book is mandatory in some instances. I can't for sure say why though, as the ebook seems better.

    ian bell kuvia. This is a Blog Posting for Ian
  • This is a Blog Posting for Ian

  • THX1139
    Apr 8, 01:15 PM
    I find it strange that you do websites for actual clients and can't manage to fix a "logo" as simple as that. It probably took Blue Velvet all of 5 minutes to knock that out. :confused:


    ian bell kuvia. from Helen and Ian.
  • from Helen and Ian.

  • Chupa Chupa
    May 6, 06:54 AM
    The key question here is why kind of s/w will you need for your physics classes. If you are not doing anything too graphics intense then you can get by with integrated graphics.

    If that is the case then I'd go w/ a low end 13" MBP. It's a 1lb lighter than the 15" and also the smaller footprint is going to make it easier on you when using a small classroom desk or workspace area.

    I'd removed the hard drive -- put it in a separate ext. enclosure, and put in a 128GB SSD. They are fairly affordable now -- about $200-250. That will make the MBP a tad lighter, but more importantly, SSDs are more durable. Keep essential info on the SSD, and non-essential stuff (docs, etc. you don't usually need/want) on the ext. drive. Bump up the RAM to 8GB. RAM is cheap if you upgrade yourself.

    Another option is to wait a month or two until Apple refreshes the MBAs to i3s -- though I think you'll do better with an i5 or i7 MPB. But 4.5 lbs can get to be a burden schelping around all day. Truly tough, personal choice.

    Next question - do you have to spend the entire $2500? I'm asking b/c if not I'd put half of it in a 2 year CD (not that CDs are making a bunch of interest these days, but because you won't be tempted to spend it prematurely) and use it for a mid-college career upgrade.

    As you advance in your major your hardware demands will probably increase. So your Jr. year would be the ideal time to sell the computer you bought freshman year and upgrade. Use the proceeds from the sale + the CD to buy the new machine. Using a 4 y.o. machine sr. year in a high science major will be miserable.

    ian bell kuvia. Helen and Ian#39;s road and
  • Helen and Ian#39;s road and

  • Peterkro
    Feb 16, 11:50 PM
    Its not specifically for biking but I have a Brenthaven 17" backpack which comes with a extremely robust insert and lots of space for other things. Its essentially bulletproof although expensive. Not too obviously a laptop backpack either.I'm happy with it.


    ian bell kuvia. Kiwi swimmer Daniel Bell sent
  • Kiwi swimmer Daniel Bell sent

  • metalmaniac
    Jun 29, 07:21 PM

    I see where this si coming from though.
    I think whats happening is Apple is expanding so quickly that its harder for them to keynote all the developments within apple.
    Soon iPhone is going to be even bigger, and Mac will keep moving, growing, but not as fast as the iPhone.

    Maybe one day well see seperate keynotes for each product/market line.

    Either way Apple is going strong and the potential for iPhone (and Apple gadgets) and Mac OS X to move forward are huge.

    No complaints here.

    I just wish theyd say somethin about the bloody mac mini

    ian bell kuvia. The work of Ultras Ian
  • The work of Ultras Ian

  • ActionableMango
    Apr 27, 05:20 PM
    I feel your pain. I want the same thing.

    The add-on keypads don't really do it for me no matter how nicely they integrate. It's not the same as a full size keyboard. Sure you get the numpad, but you still don't have proper cursor keys and 6-key pad above the cursors.


    ian bell kuvia. and ringing that ell,
  • and ringing that ell,

  • cbrain
    Jan 9, 01:30 PM
    Whoops! Double post!

    ian bell kuvia. and ringing that ell,
  • and ringing that ell,

  • bluesteel
    Mar 30, 04:04 PM
    can someone develop an application for OSX Snow Leopard/Lion, that works, that can backup a Windows 7 Boot Camp partition, and then restore it? i would pay $50+ for an application that can do this successfully. why hasn't anyone developed anything yet?

    i've already tried Winclone to no avail...all i get is errors when i try to restore. i guess Winclone hasn't been updated in a while and isn't supported by Snow Leopard.


    ian bell kuvia. Ian and I went to
  • Ian and I went to

  • cantthinkofone
    Mar 16, 12:36 PM
    Bear in mind...
    Sorry I couldn't help it.

    I have been watching the price of Apple stocks and they are down $20 from last week when I almost bought a single share. Glad I didn't though. If I get this job today or tomorrow I think I will buy one or two shares while it's sagging.

    ian bell kuvia. We#39;ve got Ian Baguskas,
  • We#39;ve got Ian Baguskas,

  • Lau
    Sep 26, 01:20 PM
    Lau, you need QuickTime 7 to view H.264 content.

    Depending on the type of content, change your codec to something like Sorenson Video 3 you'll take a size hit, but it should work fine.

    Hope that helps.

    Thanks iGav, I didn't even realise it was H.264. :o Although that would make sense. I'll give it a try, and update the thread as to whether it works or not. Ta!


    ian bell kuvia. from Helen and Ian – and
  • from Helen and Ian – and

  • edesignuk
    Mar 24, 05:48 AM
    Unfortunately, not exactly an exciting update.
    No, but bug fixes and stuff are never a bad thing :)

    ian bell kuvia. Ian had hoped to see the new
  • Ian had hoped to see the new

  • calb818
    Mar 19, 02:34 PM
    That vid card, is that a specific Mac card? Also ram must be installed in equal pairs.

    Can't really think of much else. Are you getting a white screen with apple logo at all or just nothing?

    Thanks for that, the ram is just a single, the 2 512sticks are not high enough spec, I have more ram on the way so I will see if that resolves the problem. The video card is a mac card, I do not get any screen activity and no keyboard or mouse, well no red light under the mouse so it is not being seen, both are apple pieces of kit.

    ian bell kuvia. stay with Helen and Ian we
  • stay with Helen and Ian we

  • treehorn
    Apr 23, 09:34 PM
    So H.264 is a very compressed format. That sets off a flag right there. Ideally you wouldn't be provided footage in such a lossy format.

    Taking the H.264 footage and converting it to DV NTSC is essentially compressing it again (albeit a lesser compression), but it is still increasing the generation count. Instead, I would try throwing it into compressor and transcoding to apple prores 422. That should hopefully alleviate any loss of quality.

    But sadly we don't live in an ideal world :) And this is footage given out for television usage, believe it or not...(do CBS Sunday Morning and the Today Show really like getting footage in compressed h.264?)

    I'll try prores 422. My thought was that as the the other footage is DVPro NTSC converting it to DV NTSC would be transcoding to a closely matching format. But it didn't seem to help any...

    May 5, 07:26 PM
    the first versions will have tons of bugs, dont u want a stable OS when u first get your iMac? thought so. :)

    Lion will come with a ton of bugs just like leopard and snow leopard did, sure apple will fix most bugs in time usually in the first 2 weeks of release but still. it'll be a buggy experience at first.

    Apr 28, 08:31 AM
    I have found SL to be very stable.

    I am curious as to how you define "crash". As a software developer, I have always considered a crash to be a segfault in which some bug causes the program to unexpectedly exit. However I have found that, via feedback from my users, that folks have many different perceptions as to what a crash is.

    As for the software you mentioned having issues with - I don't use steam (not a gamer), I use itunes somewhat regularly to play some music while I work, or to update my phone's software, don't have any crash issues. I use iWork from time-to-time - don't recall it ever crashing. The most unstable software I use is MS Office.

    Apr 25, 06:23 PM
    Why would you be able to, apple owes you nothing and you aren't entitled to anything either.

    It's not an unreasonable expectation. Apple might not 'owe' you anything - but at this stage the OP hasn't made the purchase - they are trying to negotiate the purchase. Apple have announced they are updating software soon, OP could wait and buy later, or buy now. Apple would prefer buy now, so it's an exchange, OP agrees not to hold off on his purchase, Apple agrees to give him free software (the marginal cost of which, by the way, is essentially nil).

    Or should we not try to negotiate with the almighty Apple gods?

    Oct 28, 03:11 PM
    Right now:

    Luciano - Essential mix live from Ibiza 2009-08-01

    Apr 21, 08:04 PM
    20 minutes later... (

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